

Gotti糖果 | 詹姆斯的地方 | Maneki | 海滨水疗中心 & 沙龙

In 2020, the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, shutting down 企业 across the region. To support our community during this unprecedented time, PSE hosted a Small Business Energy Makeover Contest, in which four deserving 企业 could win energy-efficiency and cosmetic 价值4.5万美元的大改造!

Thousands of 企业 were nominated by employees and customers alike for the vital role they 在他们的社区和员工的生活中玩耍. 每位获胜者将获得量身定制的数组 of efficiency upgrades depending on the needs of the business, which will in turn help them save 随着时间的推移,精力和金钱. After careful review and consideration, a panel of judges selected these 赢得企业: Gotti糖果, 詹姆斯地方儿童发展中心, Maneki, 海边 沙龙 & 水疗中心. Each has a unique story and special place in the communities they serve.

Be sure to check back often as we continue to share updates during the makeover process, stay tuned for a feature story on KING5’s Evening Magazine show where Jim Dever will showcase the final results!


升级提醒! We just installed a new heating, 通风空调(暖通空调)系统 at Gotti糖果! 过时的加热和/或冷却系统经常浪费大量能源, 不必要地增加水电费, but upgrading to efficient systems like this can help reduce energy waste and increase savings.


2021年5月4日- Gotti糖果 received an energy-efficient freezer to replace their old energy-guzzling model and to help the business save on their electric bill. 我们还安装了一个新的, more efficient fancy bakery case to show off their tasty treats and enticing creations for customers!


Gotti糖果, 奥林匹亚的一家面包店和糖果店, 一个黑人妇女拥有和经营的小企业吗. 2020年面临着独特的困难, the shop was repeatedly targeted by vandals who defaced entryway windows and even posted white supremacist stickers atop their “black-owned business” sign. 带着两根可爱的手杖, they’re passionate about their creations and try to pour love into all of their baking. 一个有趣的, 当地的商店出售定制蛋糕, 从婚礼到各种各样的派和糕点, birthdays and special events to simply satisfying every customer’s sweet tooth.

Energy 效率 Upgrades: Gotti糖果 is hoping to improve their aging and inoperable foodservice equipment, 除了改善他们效率低下的供暖系统. 他们还希望升级到更持久的产品, lower maintenance LED lighting and sprucing up their retail area before they welcome customers back into the store.



升级提醒! 没有小的升级! James’ Place just received clean, new signage for their front door to welcome in customers.


2021年5月4日 詹姆斯的地方孩子 got their first upgrade: A brand new set of lockers for employees to securely store their personal items and valuables each day they go to work.


在COVID-19大流行期间, 詹姆斯地方儿童发展中心 kept their doors open in order to provide safe, quality childcare for their community’s first responders and essential workers in Bellingham. 每一天, 詹姆斯广场提供了丰富的, 教育环境有利于儿童的心智成长和发展, 情感上和身体上.

能源效率升级:位于一个建于20世纪30年代的结构, James’ Place is looking forward to improved weatherization in their building, 可能包括新窗户和升级的供暖系统, 通风空调(暖通空调)系统. They’re also hoping to improve some existing storage and install a new sanitizing station to continue implementing safety protocols.

James Place Kids
James Place Kids


升级提醒! Simple cosmetic changes can make a big difference when crafting an authentic environment. Maneki now has some fresh paint to highlight their Japanese artwork and shelving to display a variety of figurines.


2021年5月4日 Maneki just received a much needed renovation: energy-efficient lighting! 这将有助于创造温暖, 为顾客提供温馨的空间, while saving the business some cash on their electric bill and reducing maintenance efforts and costs over time.


西雅图最古老的寿司店, Maneki is woven into the very fabric of the community where it thrives in the International District of downtown Seattle. 自1904年以来, the restaurant and sushi bar has continued to serve Japanese cuisine to long-time regulars and new customers alike, 作为社区聚会的社交空间. 在117年的历史中, Maneki has only closed twice temporarily: during the COVID-19 pandemic and World War II. Former Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Miki actually worked as a dishwasher at Maneki as a young adult! 作为首相, 美琪天赋异禀,向西雅图市捐赠了1000棵樱桃树, 西雅图一年一度的樱花节就是在这里诞生的.

能源效率升级:Maneki希望改善他们的供暖, 通风空调(暖通空调)系统 with better air filtration, 同时还要更换老化的热水系统, 更换和修理一些旧的厨房设备, 同时也要铺上新地毯,让自己焕然一新.


海滨水疗中心 & 沙龙(Coupeville)

升级提醒! We hit the refresh button on Seaside’s salon stations with brand new mirrors and cabinets, 还有一些节能的LED照明, 当然! 这个更明亮、更有活力的空间一定会让顾客眼前一亮.


海滨温泉 & 沙龙 on Whidbey Island is located in a 150-year-old structure that was built in 1864… before the state of Washington even became a state! Seaside is owned and operated by a single mother who opened the salon when her daughter was just 6 months old, introducing a slew of unique obstacles to running a successful business. 在这14年里, the business has thrived offering customers a relaxing escape from everyday stress, 多亏了各种奢华的服务,比如面部护理, 按摩, 头发和指甲护理, 和更多的. 尽管在大流行期间暂时关闭, Seaside hosted a fundraiser to support their local hospital and first responders.

Energy 效率 Upgrades: Though salons typically produce more waste than other small 企业, Seaside strives to be carbon neutral and entered the contest in the hopes of finding new solutions to lower their carbon emissions. Seaside is hoping to see potential energy savings after insulating the crawl space; installing an efficient heating, 通风空调(暖通空调)系统; and improving their indoor lighting, which will ultimately result in less maintenance costs for the business over time.


对PSE的节能项目有疑问吗 企业? 我们是来帮忙的. 请致电1-800-562-1482,周一至周五上午8点.m. 到5点.m. 或在下方十大彩票平台.




  • 威尔丹能源解决方案
  • Bargreen Ellingson食品服务供应与设计
  • 肖沃特建筑
  • 亚伦地毯和地板沃恩机械有限公司.


  • 威尔丹能源解决方案
  • 霍兰德投资有限公司.
  • 林登钣金公司.


  • 威尔丹能源解决方案
  • Bargreen Ellingson食品服务供应与设计
  • 亚伦地毯和地板店
  • 五星机械
  • 奥尼尔管道
  • 垫片的家伙
  • 节约能源


  • 朗克兄弟制热和制冷公司
  • 约翰威尔逊定制橱柜和完成木工
  • 主绝缘服务
  • 大脚油漆施工有限责任公司